My Recent trip to Hong Kong…

For my recent trip to Hong Kong, I must admit that I was fairly excited to go and check out the street fashion and hairstyles over there. Armed with my camera and i-phone my aim was to capture lots of different looks to show on my blog.

After all it was only 4years ago (pre-blogging days) that I was last there and spotted all these youngsters who were dressing a lot like the trendy Japanese kids, Blonde long hair, full on Goth make up and ultra trendy outfits that would fit right in in Yoyogi Park!


But to my dismay, I found Hong Kong fashion to be very tame and conservative this time around, very ‘office like’ is how I would describe it. Granted, I did not go out clubbing and looking for the hipsters that may have been hanging out in the trendy bars and clubs late at night, for sure I would’ve come across some then, but I wanted to see normal day street fashion.

Thankfully, I did take a trip over the border to Shenzhen and my good friend Danny took us to the O.C.T. Lofts, (Contemporary Art Terminal), it was here that I at least found afew good-looking hipsters that looked abit more interesting. In amongst the nice cafes, art gallery’s and book stores, I was surprised to find that this part of China was so into their art and trendy furniture and cafes, so along with it, some creative people. I finally got my camera out and took one picture of a young girl perched on a bench with her head buried in one of their forbidden books.

Hoping to add to my photo collection from then on, I failed miserably as everywhere I went I found mainly people from Mainland China with their huge suitcases coming over to shop in Hong Kong, keeping the Prada and Louis Vuitton stores in business. This trip showed me yet again that no matter how much money you have to shop in these places…Money can’t buy you style! In fact it became abit of a game as I tried to spot the tourists from the Mainland, the biggest giveaway unfortunately was the tacky dress sense.

So out of it all came this short article to try and make up for the lack of pictures showing you what was happening in style and fashion in Hong Kong and China and I hate to report – Not much is happening, but enjoy these tourist pics instead…


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Interesting trip – Politically but not fashionably…Sigh, better luck next time….

4 Replies to “My Recent trip to Hong Kong…”

  1. People always ask me if I’m Japanese because of the way I dress, and it makes me wonder how I might dress for people to ask if I’m Chinese. Office clothes, it is! J/k.

    1. Ha, I used to get the Japanese question when I was younger and paler in skin (England days) But even if we stuck you in ‘office clothes’ People would still not ask you if you were Chinese… not with that bloody hair color Lol!!

  2. Hi Joolz
    Glad u enjoyed HK . Good catching up with Danny too.
    Sasha has just come back too and was able to do two fashion shoots while there. She caught up with Elvin and rediscovered her heritage and made a few connections in view of doing some photographic modelling there in the future. We are awaiting the new HIM magazine to come out.
    Hoping they will see the benifit of her 3 talents..(hairdresser/makeup artist /photo model) may save someone the money for hiring all 3! This will mean more trips for her to HK…I am such a mother Kardashian!

    love and best wishes

    1. Julie – Lovely to hear that Sasha is such a gal of all trades, yes that would be such a great thing to be able to go to HK often to work, good excuse. Is he going to be in the HIM magazine? If so, show us when you get it, cant wait to see..
      It was great to catch up with Danny, he’s still the same after all these years, forever young and trendy : )
      Well, mum Kadashian, take care for now, lovely to hear from you. Talk soon xx

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